
Yoga Accessible for All

Yoga Accessible for All is a fiscally sponsored project of Center for Community Stewardship (C4CS), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are dedicated to offering yoga programs that meet the differing needs of groups of people with life and health challenges. Our programs are meant to offer classes that invite those who typically may not come to yoga because of varying challenges. Your issues could be anything from the normal issues of aging, to recovery from injury or dis-ease, mental health challenges, or other challenges that make yoga seem impossible, inappropriate or uninviting. We offer classes in varying locations and can either come to your facility/location or host the class at one of our rented locations.

Our mission is to help anyone who wants to experience the universal benefits of yoga find a class that meets them where the need to start their practice. We adapt yoga to meet the needs of the people in the program, so that it turn from a " I cant " to an “I can” yoga experience. This could be due to physical or cognitive levels of functioning that make a yoga class inaccessible. We also aim to gradually address cultural, economic, racial, sexual identity, and body size barriers that make yoga seem inapplicable to the non white middle class population that yoga has generally been offered to. We are building one program at a time; working with other community agencies, teachers and potential students to make each class appropriate for those it serves.

Community Partners that we work with are: MyArts | Just Bakery | Bayview Community Center | Madison and Middleton Senior Center | Madison Catholic Multi-Cultural Center | ARC - women in recovery | Wisconsin’s Parkinson Association