
Soma Sound Yoga


I am privileged to live on the land of the HoChunk Nation, where gardens, water, and trees exist as a mirror to the lives that were lived in communion with the land.

I acknowledge my mother for introducing me to yoga as a child in the late 60s, before yoga was the million dollar industry it is now. I did not know then it would become my life journey, and just thought the movement was fun!

There are so many yoga and meditation teachers that have influenced my life greatly and to each one I am eternally grateful for the embodied practices and philosophy of life gems they bestowed on me and how they changed my life and my own sharing in the world.

Lineages of Yoga and specific people, that have created the lens through which I see the world; Swami Kripalu - Guru of the non Tantric Kripalu tradition, where I began my teacher training. Gurumayi Chadvilasanada (Muktandanda) - Guru of the Siddha yoga tradition, the Tantric yoga path, and the lineage I most closely feel a personal connection to is its non-dualistic teachings. Swami Krishnamacharya (Desikachar) - Guru of the path that became the Foundation of all Yoga Therapy traditions, wherein yoga became the Yoga for All and each of us finding our personal practices that support us as unique manifestations of One Consciousness.

From these lineages came the great modern day teachers that I have had the privilege to study intensively with:

Richard Miller - Irest Yoga Nidra

Paul Muller - Blue Throat Yoga Mantra Meditation

John Friend - Anusara Yoga that taught me deeply the embodiment of Tantric yoga

Todd Norian - Ashaya Yoga

Liz Koch - The Psoas Goddess

Essential Yoga Therapy - Faculty of my wonderful, intensive, in person yoga therapy program in 2014 that helped me integrate all the learning I had done into an offering for individual yoga therapy clients.

Natalie Brown - Integral Sound Healing

Silvia Nakkach - Yoga of the Voice. This is my current path of practice and what I hope to bring more of into the world.